Monday, September 22, 2008

Week of 22-26 Sep

I don't expect for everyone to be reading all of the time. If you are between novels at the moment, simply post that you are not currently reading anything.


Ellison Student said...

Grade 7
The Alchemyst Nicholas Flamel
Chapter 15
The kids meet up with a EXTREAMLY powerful Witch called Hekate. she is from a race of godlike people, whom protect these lands. She and Nicholas disguss the problems of obtaining the book, and a prophecy that involves the twins. After that, he takes them to her home. it is like a giant tree, but with a building on the inside. they also learn that Scatty is a vampire, not like the myths and fables you've read about.
I want to find out more about the backround that Scatty comes from, and that tree ws CRAZY

Ellison Student said...

Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
Pages 16-32
So after Mildred {Guy's wife} has been helped with a blood transfer, Guy walks out side and sees that Clarrise and her family are out o ti lawn at two in the morning. Guy goes back to bed. When he wakes up, his wife is out of bed. She is in the kitchen making toast. He asks if she was okay, but she said she didn't know what happened, she thought she threw a party. He let her think that. She went to the TV Parlor {A room with Television walls} and read the script she received. It is for a new show program that interacts with the audience, or at least gives people a chance to feel like they're part of the show. When Guy heads off to work, last nights rain is now a storm. He sees Clarrise. She is catching rain in her mouth, and has a dandelion. She tests to see if she is in love using the dandelion; yes, then Guy tries: no. He says that the dandelion got all used up on Clarrise. When Guy gets to the fire house, he goes to pet the Hound {robot dog}. It tries to attack. Guy tells his chief that the dog has been threatening him.
The seeing the Clarrise in the morning becomes a pattern for the next few days. She tells him why she doesn't go to school: being antisocial, and being afraid of kids her age, and that she goes to a psychiatrist. After seven days, Clarrise wasn't there in the morning, but Guy had no clue why.

Ellison Student said...

Harry Potter
Morgan B.
Harry was whating for Dumbledore to pick him up at the derslys. When he pick up harry they teliported to one of Dumbledore's old friends. Slughorn amde his house like some on killed him. but he they found he hiden as a airchair. So he took the job as tyhe dark arts teacher. After that he told harry that he was going to give him privet lessons. He droped him off at the weslys and lift him there. Mis .Wesly put him to bed and the next day he work to see Ron and Hermonen. Flena gave him breafast and said that she was gatting marryed to Bill. Then when she lift he told them about the privet lessons and hermonen got hit by one of Fred and Gorge's treak wands. Then three owls come in and gave them there grades and they all did got.

Ellison Student said...

sorry got was good:(, Morgan B.

Ellison Student said...

Morgan Falasca
Perfect You
Elizabeth Scott
Page 120- Chapter 13

Kate has been through a lot over the past two weeks. She has been working at her father's vitamin shop in the mall. Her grandmother has come to help with "financial" problems, and her ex-best friend has finally talked to her! When she was working at the mall one night, she went out back to the dumpsters and found Will (her crush) just sitting there, waiting for her! :) She was really nasty with him, but after that they magically kissed. Then after that she told him to meet him at a secret place, and they kissed again. Man. A lot of kissing in this book. (:
I really like this book so far, It has a lot of suspence and I like these kinds of love stories.

Ellison Student said...

Warriors The dark river
chapters 2-4
Hollypaw was getting suspicious about where her brother has been every night. So she and cinder paw went to looke for him. First they go to dirt making place where lionpaw claims to be every night. He wasnt there so they went into the woods and followed his scent. it lead up to the border of wind clan. There they saw him talking with his friend Heatherpaw. He saw hollypaw and cinder paw and left. That night Jaypaw went to the moonpool with the other medicine cats. When he got there he went into another cats name wich i forget rite now! He saw that she was in the river swiming and when she got out starclan told her that Riverclan has to leave. That was what Riverclan was worried about at the gathering.

Ellison Student said...

sorry iforgot who it was by: Erin Hunter :P Kasey