Monday, November 3, 2008

Week of 3-7 November

Post as usual.


Ellison Student said...

Christopher Paolini
Pages 410-424
Eragon has been assigned to a new mission. The Varden despratly needs the help of all the lands creatures and species to win this war. The Dwarvish king Hrothgar has died, and now Eragon has to be sent to overlook the final stages of the election. the Dwarves are separated into clans, and tension between them are very high. It is a very dificult situation for Eragon, because one wrong word can plunge the Dwarves into a civil war. He doesn't have the help of his dragon either, for she needs to stay incase of an attack, so it looks like the Varden still has a Rider.

this chapter was pretty good. it tells of how the races of the land have to unite to kill the empire, and Eragon's role in it.

evasherebabex3 said...

The Wednesday wars
Everyday at school holly always thought the teacher hated him. He thought that she set up traps for him, and everytime he tried to figure out what they were, it ended up that nothing happened. One time he thought she put something in his desk, so he asked his crush to open it and he told her there was a suprise if she did. It ended up that nothing was in it and his crush thought he was trying to tell her he didn't like her, so she got very mad. Then at recess a kid asked holly to play soccer. He thought it was another trap because he thought he saw the teacher peeking her head out of the door all the way down the hallway laughing. So he thought he would just stay away from the ball. In the beggining everything was going well and no one came near him. Then one kid was coming straight up to him with the ball, so without thinking, Holly took the kid right out. He was a big kid, and everyone was suprised that he took him out. When the kids got back in the class the teacher said that the kid would be out for weeks and she gave a mean look to holly. He then got called to the office. the princepel said his teacher said that he failed math last year and should go back a grade for math. But Holly knew this wasn't true because he had a passing grade, and he knew alot of other kids in his class had the same grade as him to. He thought his teacher must have wanted to get him back for knocking out the kid. he got very mad and he went back to class with a mad face.

This book is getting really funny. It's interesting and i think it will only get better and better. =]

evasherebabex3 said...

what happened to my other blog last week???????

Anonymous said...

Morgan Falasca

I'm currently in between books. I'm going to start one this weekend.
Thanks :)

Ellison Student said...

mr. j, my blog wont post. ive tried three times already, so im sorry it late. grrrr...i have to type it again....:(, so sorry its not as detailed as it originally was.
The ashleys
ch.30-the end.
Laurens gone the whole week, but on friday she showed uup at the dance with billy reddy. she wasnt not there for social reasons, her dad had a far waya meeting, so her whole fmily went. A.A. went to meet laxjock, EDex was tehre, but he was dating the k. teacher in the park. At the dance, Ashley passed out because the cupcakes had a trace of nuts and ashley was alergis. Lauren read a mag. about it and remembered that people with nut allergins had epipens, and lauren saved her life. laxjock was Tri...he had the hat that laxjock had to wear in his pocket and he knew where lax. and A.A. were sopposed to meet and A.A. didnt tell him. A.A. didnt say anything, Lauren still has a hard life, and Tri and Ashley are going out.
Great book. I want to read the sequel to it, but ill do it later.