Friday, October 24, 2008

Week of 27-31 October

It is important that you finish whatever you're reading and complete a test. The end of the trimester is less than a month away.


Ellison Student said...

The Ashley's
Melissa de la Cruz
Read: Chapters 9-29
Nicole Libbey
At the tea, the Ashley;s also started a rumor that Ashley's nose was made from pig. Eventually, the girls at Miss Gamble's forgot about the rumor. A.A. lives in a penthouse apartment, mainly with her half brother. Her mom was always traveling. When she got homer, her brothers friends, who she had become friendly with were there playing. A.A. decided to play and she versed her friend Tri and won. After her win, she went in her room and checked her sell. At the tea, she was dared to send a text saying 'I Love You' to her e-boyfriend, so she's checking for a response. Tri comes in and tells her that the boys will order pizza. A.A. sends another text to 'laxjock' saying she was kidding. Tri left with the pizza menu, and A.A.'s phone vibrated. The message from laxjock said 'but i <3 u 2.'
The next day the Social Club {the Ashley's and some eighth graders, and now Lauren} had a meeting. The made plans for the Gregory Hall/ miss Gamble's mixer. Lauren had the idea for a 'VIP' themed dance, but Ashley ignored here, then re-said the idea and took all the credit. When the Ashley's left,Lili stayed behind and told Lauren that Ashley will like her if she has something that Ashley wants. After their talk Lili caught up with the other Ashley's so they can follow Billy Reddy; the boy they all liked. They follow him for a few blocks, but he turns around, so they girls hide in a thorn bush...thanks to Ashley. Sure enough, they hear a boy asking who's in there. Luckily, it's only Tri. Ashley told Tri everything about there walk and stalk, and their crush on Billy.
The next day, while Dex{The Page chauffeur} is driving Lauren to school, he stops and lets Billy have a ride because Dex is his Lacrosse coach and he doesn't want Billy to get sick before the game. When they get at Lauren's school, Ashley is outside, and Lauren
remembers what Lili told her. She pretends the door is locked so Billy goes and opens the door for her. This makes Ashley mad, and jealous. A lot of the girls at school think that Lauren and Billy are dating, but Lauren tells them they're not and that their only really good friends.
Over the weekend, Lauren and the Ashley's fly to L.A. for shopping. They fly in one of the three private jets Lauren has. The girls meet Dex, and A.A. really likes him, and it seems he likes her too. A.A. thinks he's laxjock. Like laxjock, he's computer smart, also likes speed racer, and both Dex and laxjock play lacrosse. When they get to L.A., they already see a celebrity. They go shopping, and Lili and Ashley try on the same dress. Ashley remembers her credit cards have been taking away, and she doesn't have enough money, so she talks Lili out of the dress, and neither get the dress. Next, Lili and Lauren go to look for more dresses for the dance, but get matching T-shirts. Ashley and A.A. go shoe shopping, and A.A. gets boots for all 3 Ashley's. They are the same boot the celebrity they first saw got. Then, the girls go to a restaurant where Lauren again uses here celeb. advantage to get in pass the long line. Then, a famous celebrity says hi to Lauren and the girls. After eating their salads, the original celebrity asks for a ride,to sneak from the paparazzi. They had a long day, but when they get back to Lauren's house, the fun's not over. They play 'rank call', where you call a boy from Gregory Hall, and the boy ranks the girl on things like smile, hair, and personality. Ashley makes Lauren call Billy Reddy, and he ranks her 9 out of 10 in almost everything, getting an 88 out of 100. Then, Ashley makes Lauren ask A.A. to rank call Tri. He gives her a 10 for everything, giving her the perfect 10. The girls slept in the bunk beds with personal TV's in the second story of her bedroom. Ashely unprepared gets her 'friend', and Lauren 'rescues' her. The girls talk about dream houses, and when Lauren says a small cottage in the woods, Ashley says that's cool. When Lauren wakes up, her hand is in warm water, and her comforter is wet. The girls give her a mirror and 'I like pee' is written in red pen on her forehead. The girls joke about putting the picture on their blog. Lauren gets really mad and yells 'you're fake, Lili can't breath without Ashley telling her she can, A.A's a boy crazy stupid girl, and that Ashley is a horrible, spoiled, monster and that she has no real friends.'
Ashley tells her she shouldn't have said that because the first to wake up at the sleepover does that to all of the girls. She also tells her that she shouldn't have done that, and that on Monday, her life is going to be bad again. Lauren cried as she leaves.
This is a really great book. I can't belive that Lauren was so close to becoming 'in' with the Ashley's and that she blew it. She has no one to blame but herself witch is worse. I feel really bad for Lauren. This is a really great book.

Ellison Student said...

Pages 304-341

Eragon finally found an Acceptable sword called a falchion. It was made by the dwarves and is pretty strong againts a Rider's sword, made by the elves, with magic forged in as well. He spends the next morning sparng with it inside of his tent. Eragon even gets to test his blade in the heat of battle in the next couple of hours. In those hours, Eragon prepares for his cousin's wedding. Soon after that, the war drums sounds; and everyone is running to and fro trying to get organized. Eragon and Saphira suit up and heads out to face his rival rider Murtagh and his dragon Thorn. This protagee of the evil king Galbatorix is backed up by loads of magic, aurmor and a battalion of solders that can't feel pain. The Varden just bearly pulls through, they got slautered in the battle, and Eragon is evenly matched against Murtagh, so what if Eragon has 13 powerful elves behind him, and Murtagh isn't even giving his all. The next time they meet, Eragon inteands to be stonger.

I think these two chapters were exiting. They kept me reading with interest. Paolini isn't so bad at describing the battle scenes. he puts you in the mind of the worriors, and their strategies.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Scott
Morgan Falasca

Lauren has been hanging out with Evan, but now she is wondering if Evan is the right one or is Dave the right one. She really likes Evan but Dave is just so perfect. He's adorable, he listens really good, and he is really smart. Evan acted like he wanted to show Lauren his "cat" at his apartment, after school one day, and they kissed. Lauren felt like she has never felt before. She can't wait to go to school the next morning to see Evan. Now Dave is feeling really left out. She ignored him when he said hello to her one morning and she walked straight to Evan and hugged him (IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!) Everyone's mouth dropped to the floor in shock, even Dave's and her best friend, Katie. She keeps on spending a lot of time with Evan and she brought him home one day, and for once her father was there! The one day she doesn't want him to be there, he has to be there. She hasn't talked to him ever since he said he didn't remember Evan. Evan ran out, sad. Evan didn't talk to her the next day. He ignored her and now Lauren is sad too.
Everyday Lauren has a rutine. Go home, eat a snack, do some homework, go online and talk with friends, do some more homework, eat dinner, finish homework (if a lot) and then watch TV and then go to bed.
She hasn't seen her father again for at least 3 days now. But one morning she has to go grocery shopping, therefore as a apology she asked him to tag along. He accepted and she said she would pick him up at 7:00 am. He was about to say no, but then she said she'd kiss him(: So as soon as she said that he said yes in excitment.
She ends up with Evan and broke up with Dave and left him broken hearted.
I really loved this book. It was romantic and I love the couple last chapters when she broke Evans heart. I'm loved how she did it.

Ellison Student said...

Kasey Harmon
Erin Hunter

Hollypaw saw that every cat was getting ready for an a attack by windclan. Hollypaw could not take it any more and decided to go talk to firestar while she was supposed to be battle training. She was really upset because there might not be a fight and they would be wasting there time and supporting the clan. She also said they should be helping riverclan. Firestar told her that it is good to be she got really mad and decided to go to ask willoepaw herself to see whats going on. When she went she did not get caught until she statred talking to willowpaw. Minnowpaw saw her and Hollypaw did not get in trouble. Willowpaw brought her to the shore acroos from her camp to show her the whole island. She saw 5 cats from riverclan working on blocking part of the river. They were using rocks. then kids came over and they ran away. That ways why they were doing that.

Ellison Student said...

Harry Potter 6
Morgan Bonino
Ron and Harry had there game coming up and ron had no courge what-so-every in his body. So at the lunch hall right before the game harry facked puting in the luck potion in his drink. When they go out there he know Ron was going to do good. When they won the game hermone wanted to know what he put in Ron's drink.When Harry told them that he facked it and htey went back they saw some ting that got on Ron's neve. He saw Ginny kissing Dean in the comming room! He yelled and luncked spells at them and when they left they when to the party they were having and they lost them selfs in the crowd. When Harry was looking for Ron and he found him kissing Lavaern bum bum bum!!!!! When he went to go find hermione he looked in the libry and there she was reading. He started to talk it he when Ron came in and lavean left them there. Hermione amde a bird atakke Ron and he was firghting it as she left

Ellison Student said...

The keys to the kingdom: Superior Saturday
Prolouge-Chapter 1
Bryan Alcox
In the sixth book in the series, Arthur is stuck in "the house" wich is the epicenter of the universe. There were 6 trustees who inherited parts of the kingdom from the maker of the universe, the architect. he has already gotten keys from the first 5 trustees, but now he is after the most powerful trustee, superior saturday. She is determined to take over the house, and wont let anything stop her.
I like this book because its exiting, just like all the other books in the series so far.